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Flowerly Easter {1}

10 Inspiring ideas for Easter decor with flowers

It is time to start the preparations  for one of the brightest feasts in the Christian world - Easter. And a big part of the festive decorations for your home and table are the flowers.

The flowers for the Easter flower arrangements are vivid but classic, without any unnecessary diversity of color and originality of forms. The flowers have to follow the traditions of the feast. Most popular colors are:

-White, yellow and gold, to symbolize spirituality, light and purity;
-Green – the colour of hope;
-Blue, symbolizing the heaven and faith;
-Red which is a symbol of life and rebirth.

The most popular flowers for Easter are hyacinths, tulips and daffodils, which symbolize the rebirth of the nature after the cold winter, and also roses and carnations that are traditionally considered as "the flowers of Christ".

The exotic flowers are rarely used for Easter decorations because despite their beauty they do not conform to the spirit of this holiday. Easter bouquets can be supplemented with feathers, willow twigs and pieces of eggs, rabbits, chicks.

The flower compositions are not only able to brighten your Easter table, but also to bring the festive spring atmosphere in your home.

Easter home decor with flower arangements

Easter home decor with flower arangements

Easter home decor with flower arangements

Easter home decor with flower arangements

Easter home decor with flower arangements

Easter home decor with flower arangements

Easter home decor with flower arangements

Easter home decor with flower arangements

Easter home decor with flower arangements

Easter home decor with flower arangements

Photos: Internet

More { Easter Craft Ideas }

More { Decorating with Flowers }

Easter home decor with flowers


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