Frame your jewellery!
As I never have space for my jewellery i have decided to make an interesting jewellery holder.
You shall find an old wooden frame (as I don't have old frames I bought one), paint in colors that suits your room, glue gun, some steel pegs and lace.
Step 1 Remove the back of the frame (if it has one).
Step 2 Paint the frame in desired color. Wait the paint to dry - follow the manifacturer instructions. Then paint it again amd wait it to dry.
Step 3 After the frame is readyuse a glue gun to stick the lace to the frame - imagine your own design. I have placed the lace once vertically and once horizontally. But you can put two horizontal lines etc. You may use the lace to hang you earrings on it.
Step 4 Put the steel pins on the top of the frame.
Good work! Now you can hang you have your own jewellery holder! Enjoy!
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