Another great idea for making appliqued cushions. This time from Martha Stewart. Hope you will find it useful.
It will be good if you test it on a paper first to see if you like the combination. To define the positioning start with stems and leaves. Afterwards choose the colors. For the prints you could use Styrofoam or even make-up sponge or house cleaning sponge. The density of the material ensures even distribution of colors.
You will need adhesive or plain sheets of thick Styrofoam, glue, craft knife, Plexiglas, paint brushes, fabric paint - yellow, green, purple, orange and red.

Step 1 Print patterns and re-size them by accessories' size. Them cut them out. Draw patterns on the Styrofoam and cut them with a knife.
Step 2 Glue the prints to Plexiglas.

Step 3 With a brush apply paint to prints. You can use only one shade or apply several tons, to create a more natural effect.
Step 4 Stretch fabric on a table and start stamping parts one by one. Place the painted prints and press down well. Lift the stamp vertically so that you won't change the figures. Apply new paint and print again. If you want you can add some accents with fine brushes.
Step 5 Allow paint to dry. Use a hot iron on the back of the fabric to capture the colors according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Idea: Martha Stewart
