Do a perfect seashell candle yourself!

Do you remember the sea? Would you like to feel the breeze again? I will give you a simple idea how to bring the sea in your home.

All you need candles (or paraffin wax), candle wick and wick holderer, two
cans for water bath and several large shells.
Step 1 choose the seashells and remember that the deeper the shell is, the longer the candle will burn. Also make sure that the shell can stand on the table and it will not meve because of the liquid.
Step 2 Wash the seashells and make sure that sand is properly cleaned off. Then dry thoroughly.
Step 3 As it could be very dirty work cover the table with newspaper. Cut the wax into small pieces. Melt in a wather bath a small number of such pieces.
By making this candles it is possible to process all the remnants of candles you hame at home. Mix a few different colors to produce new shades. Just keep in mind that when the paraffin cools down it becomes darker.

Step 4 Secure the shells (put them for example in a cup). Place the wick in center of the shells. Hold the wick on the top so it is properly straight. Fix the bottom edge of the wick with some wax so it won't move.
Step 5 Slowly pour the (paraffin) liquid in the seashell. Give time to paraffin wax to cool down.
Now you have the perfect seashell candle that will remind you of the sea even in these cold winter days.
See also: Top 5 Seashell Candless Ideas
Source: Better Homes and Gardens

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