I think this post will be very usefull if you are DIY-lover like me. This is not something new and extraordinary but I will explain you how to do it step by step.
You need iron on transfer paper, printer, scissors, iron and of course ribbon.
Step 1 Design the label you want to put on the ribbon. You may use Powerpoint, Photoshop or other graphic program. FLIP YOUR IMAGE! Get the dimentions of the ribbon and resize the image. Then replicate the logo (so that you will cover the whole paper). Print the file.
Step 2 Cut the labels from transfer paper. Then cut the desired lenght of the ribon.
Step 3 Put the labels on the ribbon and iron.
Step 4 Wait a few seconds ribbon to cool down and remove the paper.
Now you have your own label.
You can find more information and photos on Silly Gilly.
Great idea, and looks simple too. Thanks for sharing. Love how the site look too. Keep up the good job.