Easter bunnies, colored eggs hidden in the grass, cheerful kids who run around the yard and yell "I found an egg, I found an egg." You have seen at least once such a movie and you are probably wondering where the Easter bunny comes from.
This tradition is popular in western Europe. A long time ago the Easter bunny was a bird that belonged to the goddess of spring Eostre. The holiday is named after her.
One day Eostre decided to turn the bird into a rabbit. Though it had long ears and hair, the rabbit continued to lay eggs in the garden. The Anglo-Saxons sacrificed rabbits in the name of Eostre. They also organized ritual rabbit hunting during the spring festivals in honor of the goddess.
Nowadays, Easter rabbits are symbols of the spring and they are a big part of the traditional Easter decoration. Here are some ideas for decoration with Easter bunnies.

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This tradition is popular in western Europe. A long time ago the Easter bunny was a bird that belonged to the goddess of spring Eostre. The holiday is named after her.
One day Eostre decided to turn the bird into a rabbit. Though it had long ears and hair, the rabbit continued to lay eggs in the garden. The Anglo-Saxons sacrificed rabbits in the name of Eostre. They also organized ritual rabbit hunting during the spring festivals in honor of the goddess.
Nowadays, Easter rabbits are symbols of the spring and they are a big part of the traditional Easter decoration. Here are some ideas for decoration with Easter bunnies.

Photos: Internet
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