Another 10 Inspiring ideas for Easter decoration with flowers!
As I wrote in my previous post Flowerly Easter {1} Easter holidays are great opportunity to decorate your home with different flower arrangements. It is easy and inexpensive. For example, you can combine the tulips and daffodils, which are currently being sold in all flower shops, with fresh budding twigs.
First, decorate the living room so that everyone who enters your home can admire the beautiful flowers. You can hang a colorful garland or put in small vases bouquets of spring flowers - the important thing is to create a festive mood in your home.
Do not forget to decorate with flowers the dining room where you will celebrate. There you can put several small bouquets or just arrange some willow twigs in a vase. You can also add other decorations, such as eggs, bunnies, chicks, etc.
If you have a garden do not hesitate do decorate it! Empty some eggs and color them, then hang them on some branches. Simple but beautiful.
Photos: Internet
For more { Easter Decor }
For more { Spring Decorating Ideas }
For more { Decorations with Flowers }

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