What an interesting idea for "frosed" fruits! This decoration is very suitable for table decoration but not only.
You will fruits, eggs and sugar. The fruits could be whatever you want - apples, pears, grapes etc. Other things that you will need whisk, cloth, brush, teaspoon.
Step 1 Separate the egg whites from the egg yolks.
Step 2 Beat the egg whites as to obtain a homogeneous mixture.
Step 3 Thoroughly wash all fruits and dry them with the cloth.
Step 4 If the fruits don't have handles to hold them use a toothpick. It will help you to hold, rotate and dry the fruits more comfortably (but threat the fruits carefully).
Step 5 Brush the foam lightly on the fruits (if you don't have a brush put the fruits into the egg whites and then strain them).
Step 6 Sprinkle the sugar with a teaspoon. Cover all the sides of the fruits.
Tip Use a sugar as white as possible. The powder sugar does not shine on light. The candy sugar looks fine. You may mix the sugar - you will get an interesting effect.
Step 7 After you have poured the fruits wait for them to dry.
You may use this technique to make frosted flowers too.

Idea: Пахалина Наталья
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