Another stilish idea for table decoration presented by Brava Casa magazine. You don't need any special tools to make this decoration. It is very simple and you can do it yourself. The decoration includes three parts: table setting, napkin ring and placeholder.
To DIY this decoration you will need white corrugated fiberboard - 50x70cm, square, unity knife, quick drying clue, compass, scissors, clothespin and name tag.

Step 2 Use the square, the pencil and the unity knife to cut out two triangles (the base is 8cm and the height 70 cm). The first triangle is insoceles, the second one is rectaguled.

Step 3 Roll the rectanguled triangle very tightly (starting from the base). Put some quick drying glue at the end and hold for few seconds. Attach the name tag using the clothes pin. You have your placeholder.

Step 4 Roll the incoceles triangle starting from the base. Leave space in the center so that the napkin could pass trough. Glue at the end. Here is your napkin ring.
Idea: Brava Casa Magazine
Find more table decoration ideas here.
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