Succulents or Grasso ("fat") are used by Italians to reveal their love. In Italy, it is impossible to find a single window, balcony or patio, that won't be adorned with a variety of succulents.
The word "succulent" comes from the Latin "succus" - "juice." Succulents are plants with thick, succulent stems or leaves, where they store water collected from the night dew or stored in the short rainy season.
I tottaly adore the idea for succulent Easter egg decoration. Eggshells succulent planters look very beatiful and delicate. Combined with them with flowers to bring the sping in your home.
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For more { Easter decoration ideas }
For more { Spring decoration ideas }

The word "succulent" comes from the Latin "succus" - "juice." Succulents are plants with thick, succulent stems or leaves, where they store water collected from the night dew or stored in the short rainy season.
I tottaly adore the idea for succulent Easter egg decoration. Eggshells succulent planters look very beatiful and delicate. Combined with them with flowers to bring the sping in your home.
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For more { Easter decoration ideas }
For more { Spring decoration ideas }

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